Our Covenant
Covenant of the Old Cambridge Baptist Church
Gathered as people of God
who would live the faith we profess,
we covenant:
To become a community
enabling each other to realize the new life
God intends for all people,
and expressing the power of God to unite people
across all social and religious barriers;
To worship together praising God
and celebrating God’s forgiveness and love,
which sustains us in God’s service.
To equip ourselves and our children for mission,
bringing together Biblical insights
and the realities of the contemporary world
through a rhythm of study and action;
To apply responsibly our abilities and resources
within society and the church,
living in the tension between individual convictions
and the discipline of this community;
To go into every are of the world’s life,
there to enter into the work of God….
Gathered as people of God
who would live the faith we profess,
we covenant:
To become a community
enabling each other to realize the new life
God intends for all people,
and expressing the power of God to unite people
across all social and religious barriers;
To worship together praising God
and celebrating God’s forgiveness and love,
which sustains us in God’s service.
To equip ourselves and our children for mission,
bringing together Biblical insights
and the realities of the contemporary world
through a rhythm of study and action;
To apply responsibly our abilities and resources
within society and the church,
living in the tension between individual convictions
and the discipline of this community;
To go into every are of the world’s life,
there to enter into the work of God….